Gunung tertinggi di Selatan Semenanjung Malaysia dengan ketinggian 1276 m. Terletak di sempadan antara negeri Melaka dan negeri Johor.Nama gunung yang berasal daripada bahasa Jawa ketika zaman empayar Majapahit itu bermaksud ‘Gunung Dari Kejauhan’ atau ‘Gunung Yang Tinggi’. Bagi pedagang Cina pula, gunung itu digelar sebagai ‘Kim Sua’ yang bermaksud Gunung Emas.Gunung itu juga dikenali sebagai ‘Mount Ophir’ oleh orang Barat. Perkataan itu dikatakan berasal daripada bahasa Yahudi Tua atau Hebrew yang turut tercatat dalam Kitab Zabur yang antara lain menyatakan terdapat banyak emas di kawasan itu. Mitos Puteri Gunung Ledang yang cantik sehingga menjadi kegilaan pemerintah Sultan Melaka pada masa itu sehingga sanggup menghantar rombongan meminang dan dikatakan dikenakan syarat ketat termasuk hantaran tujuh dulang hati nyamuk, tujuh tempayan air mata anak dara, jambatan emas menghubungkan Melaka dan gunung itu dan semangkuk darah raja muda.

The legendary beauty of Mount Ophir (Gunung Ledang) has made it one of Johor's most popular attractions for hikers and birdwatchers. There two known ways of reaching the summit. One is from Sagil, a town in Johor, the other is through Asahan, Melaka. The shorter route is from Asahan. Gunung Ledang ( or Mount Ophir as it is otherwise better known ) is the most visited mountain in Malaysia. It is not peculiar to find people who has climb the mountain more than 10 times.

The Ledang trail starts from Gunung Ledang resort, near Sagil village is close to the Malacca and Johor border. The other way of reaching the summit is through Asahan trail in Melaka, an easier route. The paved road starts besides the river leading and leads towards a few staircases till an open gate, where the real climbing begins.
If you want to trek up Gunung Ledang, it's about five hours to the summit from the park. Alternatively, one can arrange a 4WD transfer for a quick and easier trip which interestingly, offers an equally beautiful view of the surrounding Sagil area and a breathtaking sight of Gunung Ledang Dam.Gunung Ledang is believed to have the richest flora species in the world. It has a 50 metres high waterfall with a wide drop of 50 metres.It has icy cool waters charge down upon large boulders, then break into rushing rapids before plugging into the large sandy pool below.

I can get a panoramic view of Segamat and Jementak town of Johor, and the historical Melaka. According to the legend, the princess was of slim build and medium height and had a stunning beauty. Further, she was also endowed with a sinuous movement, that accentuated every curve of her little body. Men were naturally attracted to her but amongst the many, she was claimed to have spurned was the Sultan of Melaka. The legend tells us, that the princess eventually married one Nakhoda Ragam, a hero whose name unfailingly struck terror into the hearts of those, who had dared to oppose him. ut this hero was later to die at the hands of his princess-wife. Ragam was found of tickling the Princess's ribs and one day, in an uncontrollable burst of reaction. The Princess stabbed her husband in the breast with a needle she was handling. Therefore the Princess returned to Mount Ophir and vowed never to set eyes on another man. Ragam's boat, not long after, was crushed during a storm and legend tells us that the debris of the wreck transformed into the present six islands off Melaka.
- Height: 1276 meters (Highest in Johor State)
- Location: Asahan, Melaka Summit temperature: 10-20 degrees Celsius
- Gunung Ledang Resort, Tangkak Bt, 26 Sagil, 84900 Tangkak, Johor, Malaysia. 06-977 2888